Every school, team, organization, or club that participates will be named as an insured and receive a copy under our liability policy.
Every item marketed and sold is backed by our 30-day complete money back guarantee. We also begin every book and DVD with our DISCLAIMER you can read at the bottom of this page. Sample packages are available upon request.
All transactions are secured by Authorize.net a bank credit card processor so we never store your credit card information.
We guarantee customer privacy by never renting, sharing, or selling emails.
Could your school, team, organization, or club use more funds with little effort?
Earn $2,000 – $10,000 and more helping to save more lives from needless drowning by letting your families post your approved fundraiser page link on their social media pages and emails asking to share with their friends and families marketing our three valuable and affordable $97, $57, and $27 book/DVD video curriculum packages.
These packages are shared as a one-time investment resource for every extended family and their friends so they can save money and time learning to swim and reviewing skills and water safety, especially where there is no pool or experienced instructors.
Physical education classes are being removed from schools for budgetary reasons, and our Teach Yourself to Swim curriculum taught by a certified Ph.D. and retired K-12 school superintendent helps fill this void and provide a lifelong skill.
The curriculum in an illustrated book and DVDs uses a system of easy-to-master one-minute steps to learn all the strokes plus water safety in unfamiliar places to avoid risks.
Dr. Pete’s six new teaching methods and cues are proven from 55 years of experience to give your families faster longer-lasting results so they can teach their children.
The system starts at home without a pool using a kitchen/bath sink, dressing mirror, mattress, and a bathtub to overcome any fears and so every member can learn at their own pace.
To save money, once all the basic skills are mastered at home they can easily transfer to the shallow end of a pool or lake where they can safely stand up.
All content is based on never out-of-date physics and psychology of learning principles.
It is the only complete video curriculum series for all the strokes plus water safety on the market today!
To learn more about how the program works, go to this 13-minute Vimeo presentation. Then complete the application form below for approval OR call Dr. Pete Andersen’s personal cell phone in San Diego for more details 858-886-9820.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for performance improvement. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself or to help others is your constitutional right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.