Start safely at home without a pool using easy-to-master 1-minute steps using your Kitchen Sink, Dressing Mirror, Mattress, and Bathtub to learn all the basic skills without fear. Then easily transfer those same familiar steps to the shallow end of a pool or lake where you can stand up to master your floating, stroking, and rhythmical breathing. Save money so your entire family can learn to swim together and have more safe fun. Affordable $27 package includes 288-page illustrated Book & 1 DVD 75 min. Valued over $500 in lessons per person.
- 288 Page Book & 75 min DVD
- Start Safely at Home Without a Pool
- Use Your Kitchen/ Bath Sink, Dressing Mirror, Mattress and Bathtub
- Transfer Home Skills to Pool or Lake
- Learn to Swim Continuously with Breathing in Shallow Water
- Valued Over $500 in Lessons Per Person