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Teach Yourself to Swim With Learn To Swim Program
The new science of swimming instruction
is what your secure https page will look like in the link
you send out to your members)
This is our approved (school, team, organization) fundraiser marketing 3 affordable packages each valued over $500-$1,000 in swim lessons that achieve these goals:
- Provide more funds than other fundraisers to support our activities
- Teach a lifelong swimming skill and curriculum we cannot provide
- Help save more lives of our families, relatives, and friends to enjoy recreation together safely
- Save families money and time learning basic swimming skills from an experienced pro
- Improve water safety in unfamiliar places so you can avoid risks
Your instructions
- Review this entire page so you are familiar with all its benefits
- Post our page link in your emails and social media with personal description of the benefits of our fundraiser
- Ask everyone to share/repost this link on their social media to reach out to more families, relatives, friends, co-workers, team rosters, etc.
- You are encouraged to bring in one order for any of the 3 valuable packages

using Authorize.net card processor
How our program works
By your participation maybe a friend of a friend sharing your post on their social media may place their order and help our (school, team, organization) and their family.
- All orders are shipped in 3 business days; $ 4 domestic, and $ 23 international.
- Authorize.net is the secure encrypted bank credit card processor shopping cart, and never stores your credit card information.
- Each of the 3 selected “Order Now” packages must be ordered with same ship to address.
- Different ship to addresses such as gifts to others must be ordered separately.
- All orders are sent in the quantity desired from our fulfillment center.
- If your bill to and ship to are the same check the box below your billing information to auto fill in that information.
A deadline will be posted that gives you time to view this offer so you can describe the fundraiser’s purpose and benefits, and use this website page link to post on your social media pages like Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, Pinterest, and others along with a personalized email to your family relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbors you feel could use the help and would possibly want to invest in one of the packages. Be sure to ask everyone to share your post on their social media platforms.
About the author/instructor – Teach Yourself (or Your Kids) to Swim in One Minute Steps book and DVD’s
Dr. Pete Andersen, lives in San Diego, and has unmatched professional credentials:
- Sold these packages to over 7 countries and all over the U.S.
- 50+ years of teaching and coaching experience
- Ph.D. in psychology of learning principles no other instructor knows about
- Retired K-12 school superintendent
- 5-time All-American at Indiana University
- Masters Swimming World and National Record Holder
- 21-time Senior Olympic Summer Games gold medalist
- Coached All-American collegiate women and high school boys
- Taught over 5,000 to swim and 100’s to be quality instructors
- Has directed aquatic programs ranging from large high schools, city park districts, and a university to private clubs and large age-group teams
Benefits of Dr. Pete’s instruction so you can learn to teach yourself and your children:
- He demonstrates and teaches you in simple terms on your TV, laptop, or I-pad
- A system of easy-to-master one-minute steps
- Correct methods and cues proven to get faster longer-lasting results
- You can start at home without a pool using your kitchen/bath sink, dressing mirror, mattress, and a bathtub to overcome any fears and build basic skills
- A one-time affordable investment to share with your entire family to learn and review lessons anytime at your own pace to save money and time paying for more lessons
- Easily transfer familiar home skills to the shallow end of a pool or lake where you can stand up
- All content is based on never out-of-date physics and psychology of learning principles
- You’ll gain knowledge of water safety concerns in unfamiliar places to avoid risks on family vacations that most other programs never cover
- You’ll learn how to apply six new teaching methods other instructors don’t know
- You’ll learn to float first and swim more efficiently to conserve your energy and not panic so you can enjoy more family fun times safely together
Every package below comes with the $24.95 288-page illustrated book Teach Yourself to Swim Like a Pro In One Minute Steps. A great value for your home reference library.
- Complete curriculum – all strokes, plus water safety to avoid risks in unfamiliar places
- If you know how to swim your efficiency to conserve energy will improve
- CLICK HERE to see sample chapter then use the back-arrow button to return to the order page.
Package #1 $97 4 DVD set Parents, Beginners, Instructors. 7 hours 24 minutes viewing time. Easily valued over $1,000 in private lessons for one person.

All the strokes plus water safety starting at home without a pool to learn basic skills without fear you can all view anytime watching pro demonstrations to keep improving all your skills on your TV, laptop, or i-Pad. You can learn 100 times more than a few lessons for that same $100 you’ll spend in other lesson programs.
CLICK HERE to see sample video then use the back-arrow button to return to the order page.
Use the same back-arrow to place another order perhaps with a different ship to.

Package #2 $57 2 DVD set Competitors. 3 hours 21 minutes viewing time.
Easily valued over $500-800 in private coaching for one person.

Ideal for students on swim teams, Masters and Senior Olympians, triathletes, lap swimmers, and anyone who wants to improve their swimming technique to be more efficient. The curriculum details stroke mechanics for all the competitive strokes, streamlining, starts, turns, finishes, pace, training methods, mental skills training, weight training tips, and workout examples. Learn from an All-American and coach of All-Americans plus Masters World Record Holder and 21-time Senior Olympic Games gold medalist. Learn the fine points and get that competitive edge over your competition.
CLICK HERE to see sample video then use the back-arrow button to return to the order page.
Use the same back-arrow to place another order perhaps with a different ship to.

Package #3 $27 1 DVD set Ten Best Steps Teaching Yourself to Swim Safely and Efficiently 75 minutes viewing time. Easily valued over $500 in lessons per person.

Ideal starter how to learn your home skills first and transfer them to a pool or lake. Emphasis is on relaxed breath holding, floating, kicking, arm stroking, and adding rhythmical breathing to swim continuously. Only the overhand freestyle arm stroke is covered. This DVD retails for $11.95 and along with the book for $24.95 is a great value savings when you consider the alternative of not taking lessons or affording pool admission for your whole family to start learning to swim and be safer around water. As with all the DVD’s you can view and review anytime without paying for additional costly lessons that can average $100 per person.
CLICK HERE to see sample video then use the back-arrow button to return to the order page.
Use the same back-arrow to place another order perhaps with a different ship to.